Lesson Plans by Katrina Lybbert "What a great blessing it would be if every member of the Church memorized the Articles of Faith and became knowledgeable about the principles contained in each. We would be better prepared to share the gospel with others." ~ Elder L. Tom Perry Elder L. Tom Perry's quote above is very inspiring. We decided in our family that we would like to study the Articles of Faith to help each family member memorize and better understand them. We completed our first study, which lasted 26 weeks(2 weeks per Article), in July 2002. The main lessons were scheduled in as part of our Weekly Devotional and then we recited an Article of Faith daily during our Daily Devotional. You will find our lessons plans and resources below. We hope you will find them helpful as you plan similar studies. In order to stay prepared and retain our knowledge of the Articles of Faith, we plan to repeat our study every 4 years.
Lesson Plans
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