A Mother's Educational Course for Latter-day Saints

Languages for LDSMomEd

"Learning a foreign language not only reveals how other societies think and feel, what they have experienced and value, and how they express themselves, it also provides a cultural mirror in which we can more clearly see our own society."
     -- Chancellor Edward Lee Gorsuch

Languages Overview 

Each year choose a language to focus on.  You can choose a foreign language, or just study English to improve your first language.  Here are some suggestions:

Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Russian, Danish, Welsh, English Grammar etc.  

Depending on the language you choose, there are many LDS resources to help you with your study.

If you are just starting to learn a language you may wish to begin with the Mountaineer level only.  Continue studying the same language till you reach your goal for that language.  You can move up a level each year for the next 4 years.  Learning a language takes time.  


Get from the library or purchase a dictionary that is in English and the language of your choice.
Learn the alphabet, numbers 1- 100 and 50 nouns of your choice in your target language.
Learn 1 song in your target language.  (See if you can find a hymn book or the children's song book in your target language.)


Get the Book of Mormon in your target language.  Read at least 2 books such as 1st Nephi and 3rd Nephi.
Learn 100 nouns, 25 verbs and their conjugations, and the numbers 1 - 1000.
Learn 3 songs in your target language.
(See if you can find a hymn book or the children's song book in your target language.)


Read 5 books in the Book of Mormon (including the 2 books you picked in the Inspirator level).
Learn 150 nouns, 50 verbs & conjugations, 25 adjectives, 25 phrases and the numbers 1 - 1 million.
Learn 6 songs in your target language. (See if you can find a hymn book or the children's song book in your target language.)
Read 1 copy of the Liahona magazine in your target language if available.


Read the complete Book of Mormon in your target language.
Read 3 Liahona magazines in your target language if available.
Learn 12 songs in your target language.
(See if you can find a hymn book or the children's song book in your target language.)
Be able to recite the Articles of Faith in your target language.
Find a native speaker to practice with.


You can also just set your own goals for your language.  Here is a list of what I hope to accomplish with learning Welsh:

1. The Alphabet
2. Numbers to 100/Ordinal numbers
3. Colors/Shapes
4. Months of the Year
5. Days of the week
6. Seasons
7. Telling Time
8. Weather
9. Animals/Birds
10. Clothing/Body Parts
11. Family
12. Plants
13. Greetings and basic phrases/verbs
14. Countries
15. Transportation - car, train, bus, taxi, bicycle, airplane, motorcycle, sailboat, ship, helicopter
16. Holidays/birthdays/dates
17. Food and eating
18. Rooms of the House and types of houses
19. Musical Instruments
20. Biomes
21. Learn at least one song in Welsh - Nos Galan

My main resource for learning Welsh is the Usborne Internet-Linked Welsh for Beginners with audio CD.  I also like this website:  http://www.surfacelanguages.com/language/Welsh

You can design your own list of goals for your language.


Foreign Language Resources 

Resources for Foreign Languages:




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