Overview for 2011
Focus: Sleep &
This level you only have two
Assignment # 1
Go to bed early and rise early. Choose an
appropriate sleep time for example: 11:00pm to 6:00am or even
better 10:00pm to 6:00am. You could also choose to wake at 5:00
am if you are in bed by 10:00pm.
If this is as difficult for you as it is for me.... I tend to stay up
too late... work on this goal till you have accomplished your desired
sleep schedule for 3 months. After 3 months it should be a habit.
Assignment # 2
Make daily stretching part of your routine. It is so important to
keep our bodies limber to be able to function in many different
activities without hurting ourselves. As you get older you will
become less flexible unless you keep stretching part of your routine.
Here are a few resources:
- Stretching
by Bob Anderson
- Stretching
by Suzanne Martin
- Stretching
Anatomy by
Arnold G. Nelson & Jouko Kokkonen
- Stretching for Dummies by
LaReine Chabut
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Stretching by Barbara Templeton & Jamie
Focus: Healthy Eating
at least one book of your choice on healthy eating & take
notes, jot down recipes you want to incorporate. Here are some
possible suggestions:
- The Busy Woman's
Guide to Healthy Eating by Emilie Barnes & Sue Gregg
- Green for Life
by Victoria Boutenko
- The Green Smoothies
Diet by Robyn Openshaw
- Eat Well Live Well
by Pamela M. Smith
- Food for Life: How
the New Four Food Groups Can Save Your Life by Neal Barnard
- Fit for Life
by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond
- 10 Steps to Healthy
Eating by Leslie Beck
- Original Fast
Foods: A Groundbreaking New Dietary Lifestyle Guide by James
& Colleen Simmons
Complete the assignments for the Mountaineer Level as well.
Focus: Menu Plans
This level we are focusing
on creating menu plans. The ultimate goal is to have 4 seasonal
menu plans. Each seasonal menu plan will be 2 - 4 weeks long.
This will allow you to have a menu plan for each season of the
year. For example your summer menu plan will be used for 3
months, though it is only 2 - 4 weeks of menus that you rotate through
during the 3 months. Leave space in your menu plans to try
something new.
Use the knowledge you gain from reading books on healthy eating to
create your menu plans. It is also a good idea to jot down what
food you need in your pantry/food storage to help you maintain these
menu plans in times of shortage.
Make sure to complete all the assignments at the previous levels.
To achieve the Adventurer level you must complete Mountaineer and
Inspirator, having made proper sleep a habit for at least 3 months.
an area of physiology to study.
A - read at least 2 books on your chosen subject and write a
report/essay to share your findings.
B - follow a textbook course of study on anatomy.
example (but you can make a different choice of your own):
- Anatomy
and Physiology The Easy Way
- The
Anatomy Coloring Book
all the assignments from the previous levels.
For all Levels
You will want to keep one or more
notebooks for
recording new knowledge, menu plans, physiology learning, and so on.