Truelight Academy Home Education Guide
"Our balanced approach to life and learning for a Latter-day Saint Home Education."

Emblem Books and Emerald Boxes
Our family's method of notebooking and scrapbooking our educational memories.

Emblem Books

An emblem is a symbol or representation of something important.  Our emblem books will become the symbols of all our learning.  They will be treasures for future generations.  When our children are ready, they receive a gift of 10 emblem books.  These are just notebooks which can be spiral bound, hard bound, or loose pages in a decorated binder.  Here are the 10 types of emblem books we use:

  1. Emblem Book of Eternal Edifications
    1. This notebook contains records of our spiritual learning (Beacons of Light and The Arts of the Gospel).  We can record favourite scriptures, hymns learned, lists of spiritual books read, things we have memorized (such as the Articles of Faith), artwork from narrations of scripture reading, records of FHEs & devotionals, and so on. 
  2. Emblem Book of Enduring Character
    1. This notebook is used to keep records of character traits learned, information on heroes & heroines who exemplify these traits, lists of books read and so on. (Beacons of Character)
  3. Emblem Book of Emotions & Empathy
    1. This notebook is used to keep records of our relationships with friends and family.  Include letters written and received, cards received, photos, scrapbooked memories, even an address book.
  4. Emblem Book of Expectations
    1. This notebook is used to keep records of charts, schedules, routines, exercise plans, life skills learned and so on.  Anything related to work, life skills, and healthy living.  (The Arts of Physical Expression, The Arts of Life) 
  5. Emblem Book of Endearing Service
    1. This notebook is used for keeping records of the Faith in God program, Cubs/Scouts, &/or Personal Progress.  Record memories of enjoyable service projects, volunteer jobs, and acts of service done for you.
  6. Emblem Book for Encore
    1. This notebook is for keeping records of activities to do with the subjects we feel are essential at each age level -- music, reading, writing, logic, rhetoric, math, memorization, & foreign language study.  This book would be divided into sections or may need to be split up into more than one notebook.  Include anything worth saving in these areas... stories, poems, & papers written, lists of books read, book reviews, narrations, music learned, lists of musical terms, math equations, anything!  (The Arts of Communication, The Arts of Thinking, The Arts of Mathematics, The Arts of Languages)
  7. Emblem Book of Enlightenment
    1. This notebook is a collection of quotes from great classics read in areas such as...history, poetry, literature, music, art, science and math. 
  8. Emblem Book of Explorations
    1. This notebook(s) covers any exploration in any subject not covered in Encore.  It can include a Book of Centuries, science experiments, nature notebooks, pictures from field trips and more.  (The Arts of the Social Studies, The Arts of the Natural & Scientific World)
  9. Emblem Book of Expressions
    1. This notebook contains creations from The Arts of Cultural Expression:  Music, Art, Drama, Dance & Theatre Arts, for example.
  10. Emblem Encyclopedia for a Mission in Life
    1. This notebook will most likely not be started before Age 12.  It should begin when a child has personal inspiration toward a possible mission in life.  This notebook should be filled with information gained in the pursuit of knowledge towards this mission.  An Emblem Encyclopedia for a homeschool mother could be a notebook of all she has learned about homeschooling.

A great way to encourage your children to fill their emblem books is to create some for yourself.  As our notebooks become more developed, we will post samples here on the site.

Emerald Boxes

An emerald is a precious stone.  Our emerald boxes are precious containers to store our finished emblem books.  They can also include other treasures from childhood that may not fit in a notebook.  Our children will be able to take their emerald box with them when they get married and leave home.  Our emerald boxes are just large (green) waterproof storage containers.

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